Abilities Centre in Whitby selected as a 2022 Queen’s Park Pick by the OAA

October 3, 2022

Congratulations to the Abilities Centre in Whitby for being selected as one of the 2022 Ontario Association of Architects’ Queen’s Park Picks. It is always my pleasure to visit the Abilities Centre whenever possible and that is why MPP Coe was pleased to nominate the Abilities Centre this year.

This local facility is not only architecturally fascinating but what the building stands for is even more meaningful, a building that is truly building a culture of inclusion and accessibility for people of all ages, abilities and identities.

Abilities Centre has been home to the Ontario Parasport Games and is the world’s most inclusive, accessible, and barrier-free community hub. Their building truly deserves to be highlighted for the unique concept and journey used to create this one-of-a-kind architectural gem.

Thank you to OA architects for selecting this extraordinary landmark as one of the OAA’s Queen’s Park Picks for 2022.