MPP Coe hosts Virtual Roundtable with Minister Williams

WHITBY – Today, MPP Coe hosted the Honourable Charmaine Williams, Associate Minister for Women’s Social and Economic Opportunities for a virtual roundtable discussion.

The roundtable was an opportunity for community organizations, leaders, and sector partners across the Region of Durham to speak with Minister Williams about the important work being done to empower and support women in today’s workforce.

MPP Coe would like to thank all of the participants today for your purposeful and significant presentations. MPP Coe looks forward to continuing these important conversations.

To quote the Minister “When women succeed, Ontario succeeds”.

A special thank you to Minister Williams, for her time and the leadership of her Ministry, promoting women’s economic independence and fighting against gender-based violence, sexual exploitation and abuse.

Learn more about the Ministry for Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity here: